Behind the Behavior

Whoever is patient has great understanding,
but one who is quick-tempered displays folly. Proverbs 14:29

When our children are experiencing chaos internally and don't know how to change the feeling of their finger in the light socket, they react. To act on something implies focus and when our children are not regulated, there is no ability for clarity to focus. They simply react. Those feelings are bullet speed ping pong balls flying and bouncing randomly. Ping pong balls are difficult to catch but delicate in nature. It doesn't take much effort to crush.

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Guest User
Parents in Training

Children are as good as they imitate parents who are as good as they imitate Christ. That is the fundamental simplicity of successful parenting I believe. Children will follow your example. The question is, what kind of example will you give? I cannot expect my children to exceed the character I have exemplified for them, therefore if I have exhibited bad character I can expect that in return, or worse, but certainly not better.

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Guest User
The Power of Yes

For our children from hard places, hearing no lands with a heavy weight. It feels threatening. Their mind can start racing with thoughts like, “I will never eat again!” or “They don’t like me! They hate me!” “ I will never go to the park!” What seems like an irrational responses to us, feels very real to them

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Guest User
Safe Place

Can you imagine walking up on a casual conversation in the grocery between your mom and a stranger about your most private personal details?  It would be very hurtful.  In the same way adoptive parents constantly walk a fine line of wanting others to know enough for them to be sensitive and yet they have a great responsibility to let their child's story be kept private until a time the child is ready to share it.

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Waylon Martin
Story of Hope

I want to be able to have that kind of love. As I grow older and hopefully have a family of my own someday, I pray that I have the opportunity to adopt a child and provide a family who really cares about them and will lead them to Jesus.

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Waylon Martin