Less Stress Learning

If we as parents feel overwhelmed with the life changes upon us, we can imagine our kids are feeling it that much more.  It’s very easy to want to get control. We all try to catch our grip when things feel unstable.  There are a few things we can do to help ease the stress.

#1 Give a sense of control. 

Instead of teaching your child all of the time, give them the opportunity to be the teacher. Have them choose an agreed upon topic to build a lesson plan on. Give them ideas like using video, images, charts, incorporating art or theater too. Encourage creativity. If your child wants to use Legos or Play-Doh or clay, let them.  Then, let your child teach you. What about encouraging and equipping your child to learn to cook or bake? Find a recipe together, help your child gather the materials needed to make the recipe and then you be the assistant as your child is the chef.

#2 Pay close attention to your child’s behavior.

Kids act out what they often cannot verbally express. That means, when under stress our children may do and say things that are inappropriate and just not okay. Being aware that underlying fears may be contributing to our children’s responses will help us as parents to respond effectively. Instead of jumping to a time out or punishment, allow a cool down time next to you and then seek to identify the need behind the behavior for your child.

#3 Use games to keep communication flowing.  

If talking is difficult, play alongside your child copying the things they do. One fun game as a family is building a pattern with body movements. First person might clap twice. Second person claps twice then might add a stomp with their foot. Third person does the previous actions and might add a spin. See how long you can keep it going.  Activities like this build connection, require paying attention and memory too!  

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