Mom Fail?

We have lived in our tiny 480 square feet home for one year. Most days I have thought, “we got this. It’s not so bad.”

  • I go through our clothes and toys regularly to clear out the clutter.

  • Quick cleaning our house in its entirety takes 30 minutes (give or take a few minutes)

  • No matter where we are in the house we are all together.

Today, I hit a wall. The house was closing in around me. Clutter seemed to be everywhere I looked. The thought of ever moving into our permanent house became a daunting impossibility. In short, Momma had a melt down.

I sent the kids outside to work with Daddy and set out to decrease the clutter and create peace. Not long into my cleaning spree my little one poked his head in the door and quietly asked with a nervous smile, “you okay, Momma?”

My heart melted into a million pieces. I thought, “is this a mom fail or a mom win?”

Mom fail because the kids witnessed my meltdown?

Mom win - - because my little one tenderly came back to check on me - - which he learned somewhere along the way. In this house, we stick together.

But ultimately, it’s not about ME winning or failing from moment to moment. It’s about denying myself and taking up my cross. it’s about humbly seeking God and confidently obeying Him. It’s about meeting the needs of those around me and trusting God to meet my needs. It’s about getting out of the way so Christ can live His way through me.

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